Personal Project

Professional Images

Sunset Daydreams
Dimensions: 26 in (w) x 24.5 in (h)
Materials: primary tufting cloth, wool yarn, carpet adhesive, cotton fabric, hot glue

Artist Statement: This piece is a true representative of trial and error. Prior to this piece I have never used a tufting machine before, so it was something completely new to me. I had to try different techniques and amounts of pressure numerous times until I found what works best. This tufted rug explores ideas about the tropics and feelings of wanderlust. I will be traveling to a small island on the outskirts of Panama called Bocas Del Toro this summer for a month to do a work exchange at a hostel. This piece is a connection to my anticipation for my upcoming experiences and adventures and what I hope they consists of - sunshines, waves, the jungle, and maybe a couple rainbows if I'm lucky. The work conveys emotions related to the strong pull I have always felt to live somewhere tropical and somewhat remote. 

In Process Images


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